Mukhyamantri Bal Poshtik Aahar Yojana: A New Milestone in Himachal Pradesh's Educational and Nutritional Landscape


Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu of Himachal Pradesh has launched the 'Mukhyamantri Bal Poshtik Aahar Yojana,' a landmark initiative aimed at enhancing the nutritional intake of children in government schools. This scheme is designed to complement the existing Mid-Day Meal Scheme, ensuring that the state's young learners receive additional nourishment to support their growth and development. Alongside this, the Chief Minister also distributed tablets to primary school teachers across the state, underscoring the government's commitment to integrating Information Technology (IT) into educational and administrative processes.

The Mukhyamantri Bal Poshtik Aahar Yojana

The 'Mukhyamantri Bal Poshtik Aahar Yojana' is a targeted scheme focused on providing nutritious food to children enrolled in government schools. This initiative is a strategic extension of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, which currently operates in 15,181 schools across Himachal Pradesh. The Chief Minister emphasized that the new scheme would benefit approximately 5,34,293 children who are already part of the Mid-Day Meal program.

Under this initiative, the government plans to introduce additional nutritional elements to the meals provided to children. Specifically, the scheme will ensure that children receive either boiled eggs or fruits once a week, depending on their preference. This addition is aimed at addressing nutritional gaps and ensuring that children have access to essential nutrients that support their overall health and well-being.

To support this initiative, the state government has allocated an additional budget of Rs 12.75 crore for the current financial year. This funding will ensure the successful implementation of the scheme, making it a sustainable and impactful addition to the state's educational and nutritional programs.

Distribution of Tablets to Primary School Teachers

In a move to modernize the educational landscape in Himachal Pradesh, the Chief Minister also announced the distribution of tablets to 17,510 primary school teachers across the state. This move is part of a broader government initiative to promote the use of Information Technology in educational and administrative processes.

This initiative aims to improve the overall quality of education by providing teachers with tools that enhance their teaching methods. The tablets will enable teachers to access digital educational resources, present teaching materials more effectively, and participate in online training programs to enhance their professional skills. Additionally, these devices are expected to simplify administrative tasks, making the management of educational processes more efficient.

Government's Vision for Education in Himachal Pradesh

The launch of the 'Mukhyamantri Bal Poshtik Aahar Yojana' and the distribution of tablets are part of a larger vision to uplift the quality of education in Himachal Pradesh. The Chief Minister outlined several other initiatives that the government is undertaking to achieve this goal.

One of the key initiatives mentioned is the exposure visits for teachers. The government has sent 217 teachers abroad in a phased manner to gain insights into global best practices in education. This exposure is expected to enrich the teaching methodologies employed in the state, ultimately benefiting the students.

Furthermore, the Chief Minister announced a policy to transfer teachers to government schools once a year. This decision is aimed at ensuring that students do not suffer due to changes in teaching staff in the middle of the academic session. By implementing this policy, the government seeks to maintain continuity in education and minimize disruptions in the learning process.

Another significant step taken by the government is the merging of schools with low student turnout with nearby schools. This move is designed to optimize resources and ensure that all students have access to quality education.

In a bid to further enhance the educational infrastructure, the government is upgrading 850 educational institutions across the state as Centres of Excellence. These institutions will serve as models of high-quality education, equipped with modern facilities and resources to foster an environment conducive to learning.


The steps taken by the Himachal Pradesh government to enhance the education system, support teachers, and nourish the well-being of students demonstrate a strong commitment to providing quality education and fostering a conducive learning environment. These initiatives are poised to make a positive impact on the future generations of Himachal Pradesh, contributing to their overall growth and development.

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