SHIVA Project: Strengthening Himachal Pradesh's Economy Through Subtropical Horticulture


The Himachal Pradesh Subtropical Horticulture, Irrigation, and Value Addition (HPSHIVA) Project is set to bring about significant changes in the agricultural landscape and economy of Himachal Pradesh. Under this project, various initiatives are being undertaken to boost the state's horticultural sector and provide support to farmers in subtropical areas.

What is the Himachal Pradesh SHIVA Project?

The Himachal Pradesh Subtropical Horticulture, Irrigation, and Value Addition (HPSHIVA) project is a large-scale initiative launched by the state government of Himachal Pradesh with financial support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The project aims to enhance the horticulture sector in subtropical regions of the state, focusing on improving farm incomes, promoting climate-resilient agriculture, and strengthening rural economies. It specifically targets seven districts in Himachal Pradesh: Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Kangra, Mandi, Solan, Sirmour, and Una.

Why is the HPSHIVA Project Important?

Agriculture is the main occupation in Himachal Pradesh, with over 62% of the population engaged in it. However, the state's geography presents unique challenges, such as mountainous terrain and limited cultivable land. The agricultural sector’s contribution to the state’s overall economy is less than 15%, and many farms suffer from insufficient irrigation and limited crop diversity.

Himachal Pradesh is known for its apple production, which makes up around 79% of the state's fruit output, but this over-reliance on a single crop is risky for farmers. The HPSHIVA project seeks to introduce subtropical fruits like lychee and diversify crops to improve farmers' resilience to climate change and economic challenges.

Key Features of the HPSHIVA Project

  • Irrigation: The project will provide assured irrigation through 162 irrigation schemes.
  • Plantation: Plantation activities will cover 6,000 hectares of land across 400 clusters in the seven project districts.
  • Farmer Cooperatives: Farmers will be organized into Cooperative Societies or Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), ensuring collective management and access to markets.
  • Climate Resilience: The project focuses on promoting climate-resilient horticulture practices to protect crops from adverse weather conditions.
  • Funding: The total budget for the project is Rs 1,398 crore (approximately USD 163 million), with the ADB contributing USD 130 million and the Himachal Pradesh government providing the remaining funds.

Initiatives and Impact

1. Lychee Planting Programme in Mandi

Under the HPSHIVA Project, a lychee planting initiative was inaugurated in Mandi district. Over 13,000 lychee plants are set to be planted, benefitting 65 families in the region. This initiative is expected to contribute to the economic development of the area and provide an alternative source of income for the farmers.

2. Cluster-Based Approach

The project focuses on organizing farmers into clusters and promoting cooperative societies for better resource utilization and improved market access. It aims to cover 400 clusters across 28 development blocks in the project districts, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among farmers.

'Beej Se Bazaar Tak' - From Seed to Market

One of the central concepts of the HPSHIVA Project is "Beej Se Bazaar Tak," which emphasizes linking activities from pre-production to post-harvest management, including value chain development and market access. This holistic approach aims to ensure that farmers receive support at every stage of production and gain access to markets for their produce.

Benefits of the HPSHIVA Project

  1. Increased Farm Income: The project will directly benefit over 15,000 farm households, improving their income by promoting high-value subtropical crops like lychee, guava, and citrus fruits.
  2. Job Creation: By diversifying crops and expanding horticulture, the project is expected to reduce migration from rural areas and create employment opportunities within the state.
  3. Climate-Resilient Farming: By introducing climate-smart farming techniques, the project will help farmers adapt to changing weather patterns and ensure sustainable agricultural practices.
  4. Improved Irrigation: Farmers will benefit from improved access to water through new irrigation systems, reducing their dependency on unreliable rainfall.
  5. Market Access and Value Addition: The project will help farmers by enhancing post-harvest management, improving storage and packaging facilities, and ensuring better access to markets through value chain development. This will result in better prices for farmers’ produce.
  6. Development of Subtropical Fruits: Expanding the production of subtropical fruits will help Himachal Pradesh become a leader in this sector, improving the diversity and volume of its agricultural exports.

Impact of the HPSHIVA Project

  • Economic Growth: The project is expected to boost the state's economy by enhancing its horticulture sector. With better irrigation, crop diversification, and market access, it will contribute significantly to the state’s GDP.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: By focusing on sustainable and climate-resilient farming practices, the project will ensure that agriculture in Himachal Pradesh becomes more environmentally friendly and sustainable in the long run.
  • Strengthening Rural Economies: The project will help retain youth in rural areas by creating more jobs and improving the overall economic conditions for farming households.
  • Increased Resilience: By promoting crop diversification and value addition, the project will reduce the risks associated with reliance on a single crop like apples. This makes farming more resilient to market fluctuations and environmental changes.

Value Addition to Crops under HP Shiva Scheme

To enhance the value of the crops, the HP Shiva Scheme includes the development of various infrastructures such as:

- Packaging facilities

- Sorting and grading houses

- Controlled atmosphere (CA) stores

- Processing units

- Others

The State government is striving to ensure that orchardists receive fair prices for their produce at their own orchards. Horticulture has emerged as a key driver of agricultural development in the state. The horticulture sector is generating employment opportunities across primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. The impact of climate change on horticultural crops, particularly fruit crops, is relatively lesser, leading to increased adoption of horticulture in the state.

These coordinated efforts by the State government are revitalizing the agricultural economy. Himachal Pradesh is on its way to establishing itself as a prominent fruit-producing state.


The HPSHIVA project is a transformative initiative that aims to strengthen Himachal Pradesh’s economy by promoting sustainable, climate-resilient horticulture. By ensuring improved irrigation, crop diversification, and market access, it promises a brighter future for farmers in the subtropical regions of the state. As students, learning about such initiatives can provide valuable insights into sustainable development, rural economics, and the role of innovation in addressing agricultural challenges.

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