Triund Trek: A Journey to the Jewel of Dharamshala

Nestled amidst the picturesque Dhauladhar mountains, Triund stands as the crown jewel of Dharamshala.It's located at the foot of the Dhauladhar ranges. With breathtaking views of the Dhauladhar range on one side and the sprawling Kangra Valley on the other, this popular trekking destination draws visitors from across India and the world. Triund's serene and easily accessible trails make it an ideal choice for trekkers of all age groups, offering a perfect blend of adventure and natural beauty.


  • Tri: means "three"
  • Und: means "mountains"
  • Triund is named after the three snow-covered mountains that can be seen from the hilltop
  • Triund is also a T-junction where three routes meet.(The routes come from Indrunag, Gallu Devi, and Chamba over the Indrahar Pass)


  • Triund is located in the Dhauladhar Mountain Range in Dharamshala
  • It's 18 kilometers away from Dharamshala
  • Triund is at a height of 2,828 meters (9,278 ft)

Triund trek 

  • The Triund trek is an approximately 9 km trek.
  • It can be easily done in 4-6 hours.
  • It's advised to at least keep 2 days for the trek.
  • The best part is to watch the sunset, stay overnight in a camp and then enjoy the sunrise the next day.

The Enchanting Landscape

Triund's trekking trail meanders through a pristine mixed forest adorned with oak, deodar, and rhododendron trees. As you embark on this journey, you'll be greeted by a canopy of lush greenery, providing a soothing contrast to the rugged terrain of the Himalayas. The initial five kilometers of the trek are relatively gentle, offering a perfect warm-up to the adventure. However, the final one kilometer presents a different challenge, famously known as the "22 curves," where you may need to summon your inner adventurer and push a bit harder.

One of the joys of trekking in Triund is the opportunity to savor hot chai (tea) at various small shops along the route. These pit stops offer a chance to catch your breath, interact with fellow trekkers, and refuel your energy. The warmth of the chai and the camaraderie of fellow adventurers add a special touch to the journey.

Temperatures On Triund Trek

When planning your adventure on the Triund Trek, understanding the temperature variations throughout the year is crucial. The region experiences diverse weather patterns, and being prepared for these fluctuations can make your journey more enjoyable.

Summer Season

If you choose to explore the Triund region during the summer season, here are the temperature ranges you can expect:

  • Daytime temperatures typically range from 16 to 25 degrees Celsius, providing pleasant trekking conditions.

  • As the sun sets, night-time temperatures drop to around 7 to 10 degrees Celsius. It's a good idea to have warm layers for the evenings.

Transitioning to Post-Monsoon and Early Winter (September to December)

As the summer season gives way to the post-monsoon period and early winter (from September to December), temperatures start to shift:

  • Daytime temperatures remain comfortable, ranging from approximately 14 to 18 degrees Celsius, allowing for enjoyable trekking.
  • Night-time temperatures can get quite chilly, dropping to around 1 to 5 degrees Celsius. Ensure you're well-prepared for the colder evenings.
Understanding these temperature variations throughout the seasons will enhance your readiness for the Triund Trek. Whether you prefer the warmth of summer or the coolness of early winter, being informed will ensure an unforgettable and comfortable trekking experience.

Is Triund Trek Difficult?

The Triund trek is often considered one of the easier treks in the Himalayas, and it's feasible to undertake it independently, particularly if you choose the trail starting from the Gallu Devi temple. However, while it's generally manageable, there are a few important considerations to bear in mind during your journey.

Trail Conditions

There are no particularly challenging sections on the trail, but here are some key points to remember:
  • Rocks and Boulders: Some parts of the path may have slippery rocks and boulders. To ensure your safety and stability, it's advisable to wear suitable trekking shoes and carry trekking poles to assist you along the way.
Alternative Route via Bhagsu Waterfalls

If you opt for the less popular alternative route via Bhagsu Waterfalls, it's essential to be aware of the following:
  • Steep and Slippery Sections: This route may feature steeper and more slippery sections, making it less ideal for first-time trekkers. Exercise caution, especially in these areas, to avoid any mishaps.

Stunning Panoramic Hike

The trek to Triund is an experience that will leave you awestruck. The path leading up to the summit may be challenging, but the reward at the top is indescribable. Once you reach the pinnacle of Triund, you are greeted with a stunning panoramic view of the Kangra Valley, with the majestic Dhauladhar mountains providing a magnificent backdrop. 

1. Captivating Panoramas

One of the most remarkable features of the Triund trek is the breathtaking vistas it offers, with minimal elevation gain. Unlike treks that require descending into valleys or multi-day climbs, this trek treats you to awe-inspiring sights right from the start. As you embark on the journey, the Moon Peak, Rifle Horn, Arthur's Seat, and the majestic Dhauladhar Range come into clear view, creating an immediate sense of wonder.

2. Shiv Temple

At the Triund peak, in addition to the stunning mountain views and natural beauty, there is a small Shiv Temple that adds a spiritual touch to the trekking experience. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, and is a place of worship and reverence for both trekkers and local residents.

The temple's location at the Triund peak provides a sense of achievement and tranquillity, as you can take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys while experiencing a sense of spirituality and cultural significance. Many visitors choose to pay their respects at the temple, which is a simple structure, and offer prayers or meditate in this serene and picturesque setting.

3. Traversing Himachal's Enchanting Pine Forests

While the forest section of this trek is relatively short, it leaves an indelible mark on your memory. The trail leads you through a delightful forested area, where you'll encounter rhododendrons, pine, and coniferous trees. The transition from the forest to the open ridge, which marks the end of the tree line, is a sight that truly sets this trek apart.

4. Mesmerizing Sunsets at Triund

Perhaps the crowning jewel of the Triund trek is the mesmerizing sunset that beckons all trekkers to camp overnight at the ridge. Turning around, you'll witness the sun setting behind the mountains, casting a golden glow over the landscape. The sunset views are an experience that lingers in your memory.

5. A Gateway to Further Exploration

Unlike many summit treks that culminate at their peak, the Triund trek is merely a beginning for those with an appetite for Himalayan adventures. It serves as a gateway to a host of additional explorations and treks. If you yearn for more Himalayan trekking experiences, Triund opens the door to a wealth of opportunities. You can journey further to the snow line, explore the Lakha Cave, and for the more seasoned trekkers, embark on multi-day expeditions, including the challenging Indrahar Pass trek.

The Triund trek, with its captivating vistas, enchanting forests, and unforgettable sunsets, is not just a destination but a stepping stone to a world of Himalayan exploration and adventure.



Triund, with its beautiful views and accessible trails, stands as a famous destination in Himachal Pradesh. Whether you are a seasoned trekker or a novice adventurer, the allure of Triund's natural beauty and the promise of a splendid view make it a must-visit. So, plan your next expedition to this beauteous hillside haven and experience the magic of Triund for yourself.

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